It was in 1998 and then in 2005 “The National Housing and Habitat Policy” was for the first time after independence introduced by then governments. In all 12 five year plans, housing was never a priority neither it was in any Union Budget till late 2010.
Editorial: Cashless Real Estate
By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD Real Estate heading towards Cash-less transactions. Thanks to Government Policies which has discouraged Cash…
Bangalore-the silicon valley of India
By Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD Also called the garden city, Bangalore Metropolitan area is the third most populous city…
Will GST increase property prices?
By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD World over Real Estate is not subject to Goods and Services Tax. It should…
Celebrity endorsing Real Estate Projects may pay fine of 50 Lakhs and/ or Three years jail
By Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD In the recent past, many celebrity like Sachin Tendulkar, Shahrukh Khan, Anil Kapoor and…
A good infrastructure will arrest rising Real Estate in the country
By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD Take an example of Ahmedabad. For last four years, the property rates are not…
Emergence of Housing Finance Market
By Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD Housing finance sector has established its existence in the country with set up of…
Assets Restructuring Companies or Property Service Divisions of Banks?
By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD When a loan becomes bad, according to RBI circular UBD.BPD.(PCB) MC No.3/09.14.000/2013-14 dated 1st…
Editorial: Independent Authority for Co-op. Housing Societies
By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD In 1997 a very important question was raised on the problems and administrative set…
Editorial: 8 crore houses constructed during 2001-2011; 11 cr during 2012-2021
By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD Final Figures of House listing & Housing Census, 2011 Released The final figures of…