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Landmark Judgements on Housing Society Matters in Maharashtra

This Books Gives The Details Information of Various High Courts, Supreme Courts Judgments And Orders Regarding Housing Society In Maharashtra.

Index Synopsis

  • Housing Society Is Not An Industry:- Bombay High Court
    Are Managing Committee
  • Members, Office Bearers Of Cooperative Housing Society Public Servants?
  • Non-occupancy Charges cannot be more than 10% of Service
  • Non Occupancy Charges are Constitutional
  • Registrar cannot issue NOC for Society RedevelopmentNo Capital Gain Tax On Society Redevelopment & More

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The Book is describing various provisions of RERA and IBC for home buyers and comparing various provisions of these Acts for home buyers. The latest provisions and amendments included for RERA and IBC.

Index Synopsis

  • RERA Provisions in Central Act for Buyers.
  • RERA v/s. State Housing Acts (MOFA)
  • Builder’s Commitment toward buyers
  • Buyer’s Duties and role in RERA
  • How to file appeal in Real Estate Tribunal
  • The Difference between RERA and NCLT & More

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Car Parking Rules In Maharashtra 4th Edition

Mumbai, the financial capital of the country is constantly overburdened with an increase in population of people.Moreover the affordability and availability of automobiles is increasing day by day. These factors have assured that the population of cares increases constantly to the result that everyday over 300 cars are added to the total car strength of the city. Presently the number of vehicles hovers around 15-17 lakhs. Mumbai is struggling to accommodate these ever increasing vehicles within its geographical boundaries.The question that has to be answered at this point of timeis – where will all these extra cars park ?
This Book Will Covers Following Things
  1. The Problems of Car parking.
  2. Parking Provisions In New Development Control Regulations (DCR) 2034
  3. In The High Court Of judicature At Bombay Appellate Jurisdiction
  4. RERA: Open Car Parking spaces cannot be Sold Allottee eligible for parking
  5. Car Park Spaces Do Not Have Independent Status – Opines Maharashtra State
  6. Parking under MOFA
  7. Car Parking in Society for Tenants
  8. What Society Bye-law says
  9. Government Policy in Print Media

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Society Redevelopment 4th Edition

Society Redevelopment Book Synopsis

  • Procedure For Self Redevelopment Of Housing Societies In Maharashtra
  • Redevelopment / Reconstruction Of Hsg.Society Buildings
  • Categories Of Cessed Buildings (City Limits Only)25
  • Transfer Of Development Rights (T.D.R.)
  •  Increase In F.S.I. For Suburbs Of Mumbai
  • Conveyance & Transfer Of Ownership
  • City Survey Records
  • Challenges & Impediments Of Society
  • Redevelopment By Society/Developer
  • Re-Development Agreement(With The Builder)

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Duties-of-MembersMembership Rights, Duties and Prerogatives in Housing Societies in Maharashtra

The Book is Eloborated the Rights and Duties of Member in a Housing Society in Maharashtra Under Society Act 1960. The Book Gives Comprehensive Bye-law Wise Proviso of the Act for a Good Knowledge on the Subject.

Index Synopsis

  • Rights of Members
  • Active Members
  • Non-Active Members
  • Occupation of Flats
  • Restrictions on Rights of Associate and Nominal Members
  • Resignation of Membership
  • Resignation by a sublettee. licensee or caretaker
  • Acquisition of shares and interest of the Member in the capital/property of the Society.
  • Right to Nomination by Members
  • Right to Transfer of Shares and Interest in the Capital/Property of the Society.
  • Right to Exchange of Flats
  • Right to Sub-letting / Renting etc. of Flats
  • Complaint Mechanism
  • Duties of Members
  • Common Topics

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Model Bye Laws of Cooperative Housing Society

Model Bye Laws Of Cooperative Housing Society As Per 97th Constitutional Amendment And Maharashtra Co-op. Societies (Amendment) Ordinance 2013

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